Mini-Pipe is a pipeline add-on for Blender that is designed to let individuals or smaller teams create
films in similar ways as the big studios do.
It's perfect for short films, previz, infomercials and similar.
A pipeline may not be the most exciting tool, but a very important one as its main purpose is to
organize your entire project from start to finish, and quickly get the correct files in and out of your
Along with the many other features that Mini-Pipe provides, you'll focus more on creating and less on
managing, whether you are a professional working on a side project, or a group of students wanting to
get a feel for how studios work.
Minimal design
Designed to be sleek, easy to use and require as few clicks as possible.
Files & folder management
Sets up a solid folder structure and automatically places the correct file in the correct place with the
correct name.
Great documentation
Large amounts of detailed documentation so you can always find out what every button and slider do.
Asset manager
A dedicated panel to exporting & importing assets, and manage those that are in the scene.
Extra tools
- Quick rig panel
- Save reminder
- Timeline tools
- Scene message
And more...
Set up a simple folder structure, find out that it gets filled with too many various files, try to change the structure only to find out that the paths in Blender no longer work.
Automatically create a proper folder structure with the click of a button, whether you are creating a brand new project, adding a shot, exporting renders or similar.
Have to set up every Image node in the Compositor when it's time to work on all of those render passes.
Use the import popup and only choose which layers/passes you want to work with, and Mini-Pipe sets up the rest.
Contemplate how to ask your buddy to organize their messy files that are all over the place without sounding like a nagging perfectionist.
Automatically use a naming and structure template for every scene, making it easier to work together.
Open a folder, open a folder, open a folder.. crap wrong one, go back, open another one, stop for 10 seconds to figure out where that one asset you worked on 3 months ago was saved.
Use the simplistic UI to quickly open any .blend file or import any asset/shot component without having to deal with folders or paths.
Forget to save your scene and lose hours of work in the event of a crash.
Be reminded every 10 minutes, or so to save the file using the "Save reminder" feature.
Have to look up a tutorial on youtube and sit through 6 minutes of intro before you maybe learn how to add some music or voice-over to animate to.
Let the "Mini-Timeline tools" panel set everything up, just navigate to the file, let the tool set it up, then have easy access to where it should start playing and volume.
Add a bone, parent the prop, fix the weights, create an object that the bone should look like, figure out why the bone doesn't match, and where was that setting to change it's color to something eyecatching? Finally done! All that work for a simple prop that.. wait.. why isn't Z up?!
Use the quick rig tool for a one button solution to your props, saving lots of time while simultaneously making all props be rigged the same way.
Do a bunch of test renders just to figure out how the naming convention works in the output field.
Not really care about naming conventions when rendering as Mini-Pipe names everything according to what you are working on, what you are rendering out, setting up frame counting and more.